Generating Ssh Keys On Mremoteng

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Jan 06, 2014 Or wishing you were able to extract the password from the mRemoteNG connection? HTG will guide you on how to unlock mRemote’s true power. Image by: andreasnilsson1976 via Compfight cc and Aviad Raviv-Vash. We gave an introductory tour of mRemoteNG in our “How to Use mRemoteNG to Manage All Your Remote Connections” guide. In this guide we. When configuring a (ssh) connection it should be possible to let mRemoteNG automatically setup keys and configure the client and server using this. This would enhance security, as 'basic' users must not handle key generation/setup and may not need to store passwords in mRemoteNG.

An SSH Key allows you to log into your server without needing a password. SSH Keys can be automatically added to servers during the installation process.

Creating an SSH key on Windows

The simplest way to create SSH key on Windows is to use PuTTYgen.

  • Download and run PuTTYgen.
  • Click the 'Generate' button.
  • For additional security, you can enter a key passphrase. This will be required to use the SSH key, and will prevent someone with access to your key file from using the key.
  • Once the key has been generated, click 'Save Private Key'. Make sure you save this somewhere safe, as it is not possible to recover this file if it gets lost
  • Select all of the text in the 'Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file'. This is what you would need to enter into the control panel to use the SSH key.

Creating an SSH key on Linux

The tools to create and use SSH are standard, and should be present on most Linux distributions. With the following commands, you can generate ssh key.

  • Run: ssh-keygen -t rsa. For a more secure 4096-bit key, run: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  • Press enter when asked where you want to save the key (this will use the default location).
  • Enter a passphrase for your key.
  • Run cat ~/.ssh/ - this will give you the key in the proper format to paste into the control panel.
  • Make sure you backup the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file. This cannot be recovered if it is lost.

Adding an SSH key to your control panel

  • Once you're logged in, go to
  • Click 'Add SSH Key'.
  • Enter a descriptive name for the key.
  • Paste in your SSH public key. This is a long string beginning with 'ssh-rsa'. You should have saved this from when you generated your key.
  • Click 'Add SSH Key'.
  • Now, when you're deploying servers you will be able to select which SSH keys you want to add to the newly deployed server. Remember to select the keys before the initial server deployment, otherwise you will need to log into the newly created server and add the SSH keys manually.


  • SSH keys are only available for Linux and FreeBSD. They are not supported for Windows, custom ISOs, nor snapshot restores.
  • SSH keys can only be managed from the control panel during deployment. You cannot use the control panel to manage them on an already-installed instance.

Connecting to a server using an SSH key from a Windows client

  • Download and run the PuTTY SSH client.
  • Type the IP address or Username + IP address ( user@x.x.x.x ) of the destination server under the 'Host Name' field on the 'Session' category.
  • Navigate to the 'Connection -> SSH -> Auth' category (left-hand side).
  • Click 'Browse..' near 'Private key file for authentication'. Choose the private key file (ending in .ppk) that you generated earlier with PuTTYgen.
  • Click 'Open' to initiate the connection.
  • When finished, end your session by pressing Ctrl+d.

Connecting to a server using an SSH key from a Linux client

  • Check that your Linux operating system has an SSH client installed ( which ssh ). If a client is not installed, you will need to install one.
  • Initiate a connection: ssh -i /path/to/id_rsa user@x.x.x.x
  • When finished, end your session by pressing Ctrl+d.

Create the RSA Key Pair

Store the Keys and Passphrase

Once you have entered the Gen Key command, you will get a few more questions:

You can press enter here, saving the file to the user home (in this case, my example user is called demo).

It's up to you whether you want to use a passphrase.

Entering a passphrase does have its benefits: the security of a key, no matter how encrypted, still depends on the fact that it is not visible to anyone else. Should a passphrase-protected private key fall into an unauthorized users possession, they will be unable to log in to its associated accounts until they figure out the passphrase, buying the hacked user some extra time. The only downside, of course, to having a passphrase, is then having to type it in each time you use the Key Pair.

The entire key generation process looks like this:

The public key is now located in /home/demo/.ssh/

The private key (identification) is now located in /home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa

Copy the Public Key

Once the key pair is generated, it's time to place the public key on the virtual server that we want to use. Ms project professional 2013 key generator free download.

You can copy the public key into the new machine's authorized_keys file with the ssh-copy-id command. Make sureto replace the example username and IP address below.

Alternatively, you can paste in the keys using SSH:

No matter which command you chose, you should see something like:

After logging in the ARRIS settings site, you will see a site with the necessary information. Pre shared key generator arris.  First setup a standard “wired” connection to assure that everything is working correctly. Write down “Network Name” and “Pre-Shared Key”.  Your computer or mobile device must be equipped with a WLAN or Wi-Fi adapter.User Name: admin Password: password 3. .Wi-Fi SETUP ARRIS TG862 CABLE MODEM GETTING STARTED CHECKLIST  Your easyConnect Internet and phone service must be activated and fully functional.

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Now try logging into the machine, with:

and check in:

to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

How To Use Mremoteng

Now you can go ahead and log into user@ and you will not be prompted for a password. However, if you set a passphrase, you will be asked to enter the passphrase at that time (and whenever else you log in in the future).

Disable the Password for Root Login

Once you have copied your SSH keys unto your server and ensured that you can log in with the SSH keys alone, you can go ahead and restrict the root login to only be permitted via SSH keys.

In order to do this, open up the SSH config file:

Within that file, find the line that includes PermitRootLogin and modify it to ensure that users can only connect with their SSH key:

Put the changes into effect: