Constant Contact Generate Api Key

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Constant Contact has been a leading expert in email marketing for over 20 years. We’re committed to helping small businesses and nonprofits succeed—and to being your trusted partner every step of the way. Disclosure: The author of this instruction is an affiliate of the Constant Contact affiliate program. Connecting to the API. This integration module utilizes the Constant Contact V3 API. To start using the API from your WordPress website, you first need to register an application to get an API key and an app secret that you will use later.

  1. Generate Api Code
  2. Generate Api Key For Google Maps
  3. Constant Contact Generate Api Keys


In order to use the Constant Contact SDK you have to follow these steps:

  1. Download and build the CTCTWrapper project so that CTCT.dll is generated. Add the CTCT.dll library to your references project.

  2. Place your credentials in the app.config or web.config file under the appSettings tag.


Secret key indonesia. SDK Documentation is hosted at

API Documentation is located at


1) Include namespaces

In the file you wish to use the SDK include the following code in your file:

2) Get the access token

2.0) If the access token was already obtained, you may set the API Key and token like this. NOT ideal if you want to access multiple/variable Constant Contact accounts.

2.1) For windows forms

2.2) For web forms

(This will require the user to grant access in a browser window.)

Generate Api Code

3) Create a service object, for example create a ContactService object

3.1) Create a service object directly

3.2) Create a service object using the ConstantContactFactory

Generate Api Key For Google Maps

4) Use the SDK via the created object

Constant Contact Generate Api Keys

Example of getting a contact:

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